Returns & Exchanges FAQs
Do You Accept Returns?
We will accept a return within 48 hours if purchased in the store and 72 hours from the time your received it if shipped. Based on specific conditions and only if the product is not working as expected, has not been abused or damaged or scratched.
We request that customers test an item before purchasing and sign-off on the quality of the product delivered. Going forward we will request pictures and a sign-off.
We highly recommend that if an item is un-boxed, you open the item and test it while in the store, on site - we can all verify that nothing is damaged or malfunctioning with the item.
What is Your Return Policy?
We want you to be completely happy with your purchase but due to customers abusing the process we do not refund you with the purchase price but can give you a credit or exchange/substitute for another product.
You have 48 hours to return an item that you have purchased in-store or on-line. Yes, this is very limited time but due to customers abusing the policy we have to be strict with our policy.
If you are not satisfied with any new product, for any reason, and you want to return it for the purchase price and get an in-house credit we will do so ONLY IF the product is as NEW as when It left the store, you did not use it for a gig or an events and it shows no stress, tear, etc.
You may exchange for another product within a fair amount of time from the purchase date (nor more than 30 days due to inventory and supply chain challenges and unpredictable delivery schedule.
How Do I Make a Return?
To make a return, please first call us immediately at 0117 329 59 934 to arrange for a Return, we will handle the shipping fee. Next, to ensure your exchange or credit can be processed as please follow the checklist below:
Items must be returned in the condition they were received, including all accessories, documentation, and packaging materials.
If your package was originally shipped double-boxed, please return the unit(s) double-boxed.
The product should be packed in the original product box with the UPC codes intact.
When repacking the product box, avoid using duct tape or other adhesives that can leave a residue.
Please work with us for the shipping method, we have our own carriers to handle returns and ensure that we can track the products.